Schuyler County, Illinois

Pictorial History

Retail Price: $45.00

Sponsored by the Schuyler Jail Museum & Genealogical Center
The Schuyler Jail Museum & Genealogical Center is proud to announce the release of the PICTORIAL HISTORY
 BOOK for Schuyler County, Illinois. This new book contains hundreds of photos, sketches and highlights of our county.
The Schuyler County, Illinois Pictorial History Book contains material from post-WWII (1944-45) through 2009, with hundreds of pages of historical highlights, businesses, churches, schools, people, and much more. This hardback, library quality, smyth-sewn 8-1/2 x 11-inch book is beautifully bound in swirl-grained, Navy blue leatherette cover with a gold foil-stamped seal depicting Schuyler County on the front cover, and gold on the spine.

What an heirloom to give your children and grandchildren!

Send orders and checks to:
Schuyler County Pictorial History Book
c/o Schuyler Jail Museum
200 South Congress Street
Rushville, IL 62681
Book orders may also be dropped off in person at the museum

from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Book Details
Pages: 224 pages
Product Dimensions: 8.5x11
ISBN: 978-1-935001-46-1
Cover Type: Hardcover
Case Quantity:

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